For the past few days, I have been exploring a little bit more of Tokyo. There is so much here to see and I feel like it would take a lifetime to see it all. Last Friday and Saturday, Yumi and I went out with his parents to different parts of the city. They wanted me to see an older area of the city that had various shops and shrines, and also a newer part. We started our day shopping at the older area. There you could find almost anything you would want. Food, Japanese style clothing, swords, souvenirs... you name it. We spent some time there just shopping around. Yumis dad goes crazy everytime he sees candy and seems like he wants to buy it all, whereas Yumis mom goes crazy everytime she sees something that has cats on it. I probably didnt mentioned this before, but they have two cats at their home, Popy and Lily, and they are treated like royalties. Haha. :) Popy, for example, cries every night to Yumis mom around 10 because he wants to go to bed but she is still awake. Its just so funny to watch them interacting.
After shopping, Yumis parents wanted to take me on a boat ride to the Rainbow Bridge. I must say that I was impressed with our boat. It was very modern inside and out. It took us about 20 minutes to get from the station to the bridge area. When we stepped out of the boat into this little island, we could see the big city behind us. The picture on the right was taken from the port. As usual it was a hot day here, so we relaxed at this huge Starbucks for a bit before exploring the area. Before the sunset, we all went out and took pictures with this Statue of Liberty that they have, which looks just like the one in New York City and it was also given by France to Japan. Go figure! Later, Yumi and I separated from her parents and went shopping at this local mall. While looking around at the Puma store, one of the Japanese workers asked me in English where I was from. I told him that I live in the US but I am Brazilian. Then, all of the sudden, he asks me `Oh really?` in Portuguese. I just kept starring at him, like, how in the world do you know Portuguese? And then he explained that he went to the University of Parana in Brazil as an exchange student for a year, and there he learned Portuguese. I still think it is so odd how this guy knows Portuguese.. but we had an interesting conversation as he talked about Brazilian women. Haha. Oh jeez. After that, we went to watch the city lights. There, Yumi and I saw an Abercrombie and Fitch that was like 10 stores high. It was crazy, so we decided to go in and check it out. OMG! Why did we ever do that! First of all, as soon as we go in, we notice this huge line of girls.. I first thought that they were waiting to try on some clothes.. but then I realized that there was a shirtless Japanese guy there, and they were in line to take a picture with him. Also, Yumis parents were following us in the store, so I think they were a bit freaked out when they saw the guy. Lol. The A&F of the US usually has some loud music, but this one felt more like a night club to me. The music was really really loud. Yumi and I started going up the stairs. We went up like 2 floors, and those were just of guys, so we kept going up to find some girls stuff. On the third floor, there were two A&F workers dancing around and telling us to dance too. Haha. That was weird. We kept going up and at the 5th floor, it was still only guys clothing.. we were tired of going out and scared of this store, so we just left. Haha. But what an experience! Yumis dad also wanted to take me to this special kind of restaurant and so we went. There, they bring you these really fine cuts of raw meat and also vegetables, and you are supposed to cook them in the boiling sauce in front of you. I must say that the meat was AMAZING! Japanese food has yet to disappoint me!
As I approach the end of my trip, I feel blessed for being able to explore so much in such a short time. Ill try to post some more about the Japanese lifestyle soon. xoxo!
Durante esses ultimos dias, eu estive explorando um pouquinho mais de Toquio. Tem tanta coisa pra se ver aqui e eu acho que precisaria uma vida inteira pra ver tudo. Sexta feira e sabado passado, eu e a Yumi saimos com os pais dela para ver um pouco mais da cidade. Eles queriam me mostrar uma area mais velha e outra mais moderna daqui. Nos comecamos o nosso dia na parte mais velha, que tinha lojinhas diversas vendendo qualquer coisa que voce possa imaginar. Comidas, roupas japonesas, espadas de samurai, souvenirs.. E engracado ver os Japoneses fazendo compras.. Eles ficam doidos com essas coisas bobinhas que brasileiros nao estariam nem ai. O pai da Yumi, por exemplo, fica doido quando ve doce e quer sair comprando tudo. A mae fica doida com coisas que tem gato. Eu acho que eu nunca mencionei que eles tem dois gatos na casa, Popy e Lily, que sao tratados como se eles fossem bebes. Haha. O Popy, por exemplo, comeca a chorar pra mae da Yumi todos os dias as 22 horas porque ele quer ir dormir e ela ainda esta acordada. Aiai!
Mais tarde, os pais da Yumi me levaram num passeio de barco ate a Rainbow Bridge. So que o barco nao e o barco convencional dai do Brasil, claro. E um bem mais moderno por dentro e por fora. O barco nos deixou numa ilha pequena e quando olhamos para tras, podiamos ver a cidade dali. O dia estava quente, como de costume, entao nos decidimos relaxar num Starbucks antes de seguir em frente. Antes do sol se por, nos tiramos fotos com a Estatua da Liberdade daqui, que e igual a de Nova Iorque. O porque que o Japao tem uma estatua tambem, eu nao sei. Depois de tirarmos fotos, Yumi e eu fomos passear pelo shopping da ilha. Nos entramos numa loja da Puma e um cara japones que trabalhava la ficou me rondando e depois me perguntou em ingles de onde eu era. Eu falei pra ele que eu morava nos Estados Unidos, mas que eu sou brasileira. Logo ele vira e diz `serio?` em portugues. Eu fiquei sem reacao quando ouvi. Nunca esperava que ele falasse portugues... Eu o perguntei aonde ele aprendeu e ele falou que fez intercambio por um ano na Universidade do Parana, e acabou aprendendo o portugues la. Depois ele comecou a conversar das mulheres brasileiras.. ficou falando que tinha uma ex namorada que era brasileira e que um dia ele ainda se casa com uma brasileira.. Eu comecei a ficar sem graca com esse papo dele e antes que ele me considerasse uma de suas opcoes pra casar, eu corri de la. Haha. Eu hein!
Depois disso, encontramos com os pais da Yumi e fomos pra cidade. Eles queriam me mostrar como era a noite com as luzes das lojas todas ligadas, as tvs nos predios e tudo mais. Muito legal. O pai da Yumi queria me levar a um restaurante japones em que eles te trazem um corte muito bom de carne e te trazem vegetais, e voce os cozinha numa agua fervente que fica na sua mesa. Nossa, particularmente a carne foi a melhor. Adoro comida japonesa!
Logo, logo terei que ir embora e pelo pouco tempo que eu fiquei aqui, vi muitos coisas diferentes e conheci tantos lugares maravilhosos. Se eu ainda tiver tempo, vou postar algumas coisas do estilo de vida japones. Um beijo!